Friday, August 15, 2008

Peripheral Route Processing

Childhood Obesity

I have selected two advertisements that seem to have been designed to induce Peripheral Route Processing. The first advertisement mentions nothing of the dangers of obesity or childhood obesity, nor does it attempt to tell parents why obesity during childhood is so dangerous. Instead, the message contains a picture of a doctor, and simply states “Childhood obesity. Don’t take it lightly.” The idea is that, while the message may not actually provide you with any information, the fact that a rather grim looking doctor is paired with the message should convey to the reader that childhood obesity is dangerous, should be taken very seriously, and should be addressed if it has become a problem.

Dont look like the back end of a bus!

The second advertisement induces Peripheral Route Processing through humor, showing a picture of the back end of a rather large man coupled with the words “Don’t Look Like the Back End of a Bus.” Again, the advertisement delivers a simple message. Certainly it provides no information, but it is short and to the point and very effective. Who wants to look like the man in the picture? Furthermore, who would want to ever have a rear end that resembles the back of a bus? And finally, the fact that the advertisement is indeed displayed on the back of a bus drives home the message even further. All of these facts combine help convey to the public that obesity is indeed a problem, and while it can be humorous, it can also be horribly embarrassing to the party being ridiculed. The advertisement strives to embarrass individuals in hopes of inspiring them to control their obesity.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Explaining Each Message

Message 1 - "Tiny Babies Are The Way To Go"

This is a fear inducing message. Its message is that to avoid having unhealthy and under weight babies do not smoke. This message, although being an anti smoking ad, relates to obesity as well on a different spectrum then what has been discussed in our blog so far. Smoking can cause babies to be under weight which is just as unhealthy as a baby being over weight. This message really speaks to mothers who have children or who are having children. One of the components for a fear message to work is for there to be a real risk for negative events in their life. Smoking while pregnant is definitely a real risk.

Message 2 - "Alli"

This ad is a complex, two sided message designed to appeal to central route processing. Central processing is careful processing based on the logic of the information. This commercial tells you that diet and exercise are the true way to lose weight. However, it also tells you that with this product, Alli, weight loss will be enhanced and/or easier. This ad shows a woman at her computer seeking out information about Alli. She is asking questions that any person would ask before buying this product, and they are being answered by people who have used the product. This message definitely appeals to central route processing by using the expertise technique. By having people who have already used the product talk about it and explain how it works, makes it more believe able for other people to go out and buy it.

Message 3 - "Subway"

Everyone is trying to eat healthier these days which means Subway is making more commercials that point out the negative aspects of fast food. This ad definitely induces peripheral route processing by describing all the negative affects fast food has on your body. They are using different types of words to describe what their body feels like or looks like after eating greasy fast food. Then the Subway ad mentions how their fresh fit meals are adovcated by the American Heart Association. That will definitely make people choose Subway for a healthier life style.

"Subway Eat Fresh" - Periperal Route Processing

subway commercial

The above commercial is a great example of peripheral route processing. In this commercial two people are ordering at a fast food restaurant and tell the server they want the "love handles, double chin, and thunder thighs," indicating that this is what you get when you eat greasy, fatty fast food. This ad displays a simple message and uses words that bring attention to negative aspects of our bodies. No one would want to order from McDonalds after they have just heard the word love handles. Also this commercial also mentions the American Heart Association. Subways new fresh fit meals fit into the American Heart Association approach for a healthy life style. Even if the person who was watching this commercial is not paying attention, just hearing a credible source like the American Heart Association, can grab their attention back enough to consider eating Subway.

Fear Message

Truth is a campaign that produces ads against smoking cigarettes. They usually make light of the situation in a joking manner yet still including life threatening warning facts. For example there is a commercial they produced titled the “magical amount,” where they say tobacco companies know nicotine kills and people can overdose on it but they feed you enough to keep you alive for a limited amount of years and addicted. In the ad I selected it is very evident that smoking is not a wise choice in regards to help and subsequently it has caused women to have small babies! A very ear catching fact was when asked about cigarettes causing small babies; tobacco companies responded by saying, “some women prefer smaller babies.” Not only does this commercial include the four components that add fear but also they use humor to deliver it. First, the commercial points out the negative events that will occur if you engage in smoking and are pregnant by depicting the frail and discolored babies. Secondly, the commercial shows that if this behavior is adopted there the individual will experience the negatives. The commercial used great vividness by depicting the children with dark rings around their eyes and popped out eyes. Their limbs are tiny as well.

click above for a link to the commercial.

Alli - 2 sided message
Now, this is a commercial for the weight loss drug called Alli. While it is a commercial, it is actually more thought inducing than most weight loss commercials. It out right tells you that the best way to lose weight is through diet and exercise, but it also says that one can lose fifty percent more weight than with diet and exercise alone with this medication. They unfortunately do not mention the main and most embarassing side effect of this drug in this commercial, an unwanted oily discharge when one eats too much fat in their diet, much like the grease on top of pizza. Other than that, Alli is the most two-sided diet drug on the market, as it clearly tells consumers that this medication is not for everyone, and that it is not a miracle drug that will instantly make one lose weight. They clearly state that taking Alli takes work and dedication (and possibly a change of pants), but that it can be done. With all the diet fads and false hopes in the media, alli seemsto be the most reliable and the most honest.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Classical Conditioning - Food we like to eat

After noting in our blog that there are millions of people who are considered obese in America my team decided to look up ways to take steps toward a healthier lifestyle while still enjoying some of the "not so great" foods we all love. Over consuming chain restaurants are one of the leading reasons why our population of Americans are the most obese in the world, but there are still pro-choices. As noted in the article, "America's Best - and Worst! - Restaurants," sticking with these healthy chain choices will cut 10 pounds of "unnecessary" fat per year. Coming in at number one is Chick-Fil_A with the score of an A. Number two and three are Subway and Boston Market with the scores of A- and B+. Here are some pointers noted in the article that will satisfy even the unhealthiest eater, all the while satisfying their body!
Chick-Fil-A: Even the smartest kid in the class can still fail a test, so be on your toes at all times even at Chick-Fil-A. Skip salads with ranch or Caesar dressings, any sandwich with bacon, and avoid milkshakes at all costs.
Subway: Cornell researchers have discovered a "health halo" at Subway, which refers to the tendency to reward yourself or your kid with chips, cookies and large soft drinks because the entree is healthy. Avoid the halo and all will be well.
Boston Market: There three simple steps to nutritional salvation, 1) Starts with turkey, sirloin or rotisserie chicken 2) Add two non creamy, non starchy vegetable sides 3) Ignore all special items such as pot pie and nearly all of the sandwich.

Another amiable and realistic way to reverse obesity is to take small steps and change bad habits. Here is a link to a video that gives you tips to actually avoiding fast food. For example, the first pointer given is to bring your lunch three days a week therefore reducing the amount of fast food intake. Also, they tell you when ordering kids meals, choose milk and fruit as a substitute for soda and fries!
Cheers to a healthier you!
Here is a link to the video:

Credible Sources Fight Obesity

Rachel Ray and former president, Bill Clinton team up to try and fight the epidemic of childhood obesity. They are launching a charitable group that aims to help children eat healthier at home and in school. Rays says The Yum-o! Organization will work with schools to improve cafeteria food, create scholarships, educate parents about healthy eating and help fund charitable groups that feed needy children. Ray is a famous chef known country wide. She has her own cooking show and also hosts her own talk show. She is definitely a credible source to jump start a program geared toward children eating healthier. Former president Bill Clinton is a known name throughout every household in the United States and people would definitely be for something that he supports.

the above ad features 50 cent and his new Formula 50 Vitamin Water that promotes healthy drinking habits for kids.

50 cent has sold millions of record to young kids. Now he is part of a new campaign to make his young fans healthier. 50 is a spokes-rapper and judge for a nationwide cooking competition aimed at preventing childhood obesity by improving high school students' eating habits. It is sponsored by Galceau, the company partly owned by the rapper that sells his grape flavored Vitamin Water drink, Formula 50. Obviously, to many kids 50 cent is a role model. Therefore he is a credible source for kids to gain knowledge on eating healthy. If he has a positive take on the obesity crisis in the United States then it will be beneficial seeing as so many kids idolize him.

These two messages use classical conditioning in the same way. Both use celebrities to help portray the importance of eating healthy. People look to celebrities to guide them in the right direction and therefore see them as a credible source. It is a lot more appealing to take health food advice from 50 cent because he has a strong, in shape body. Rachel Ray is a famous chef so obviously people would listen to her advice because she knows food.

Classical Conditioning - Intensity

The above add uses the classical conditioning principle of intensity. Not necessarily in the sense that the picture is bright, because in a matter of fact it is the opposite; rather dull with bleak colors. The picture is, however, very loud, especially in terms of the message being sent. It is very short, precise and to the point: "Obesity is Suicide." Clearly expressing the fact to the public that obesity is not something that should be taken lightly. It has the very strong potential to severely harm an individual, and in many cases obesity can be the cause of death. It further attempts to express the fact that obesity is a form of suicide, and prevention will only come through the conscious efforts of said individuals. The advertisement also strives to associate something the general public finds dangerous or terrifying, int this case death and suicide with obesity, in an attempt to establish and association in the minds of the public between obesity and death, and thus encourage the public to work to fight obesity.

Subliminal Persuasion

If subliminal persuasion were indeed a real and effective technique, then it would not be difficult to incorporate this at all into the subject of obesity. The easiest way to subliminally convince someone to fight obesity is by making them feel unhappy with their bodies as they are. Showing thin, fit people working out and eating right and thus having fun would possibly convince people to change their habits to better meet these ends. If television and advertisements show that thin people are happier then overweight people, then the overweight people may wish to become happier and thus make an attempt at losing weight. Another way to subliminally persuade people to fight obesity would be to promote healthier foods in advertisements because, let's face it, fast food restaurants are not doing anyone any health favors. My suggestions of who to do this persuasion would be someone like Scarlet Johanson or Ryan Reynolds, people that the general public know as someone famous and consider rather attractive. A complex subliminal message such as "eat healthier to feel better" would probably not work, but a negative subliminal message, such as a knife or a hidden skull and crossbones in a fast food advertisement may create subliminal feelings away from that fast food restaurant.

This response uses attractive people to condition people into thinking that healthy people are attractive and the opposite is true for overweight people. It also uses subliminal messages to make people think that fast food is bad for them and healthier food will make them more attractive.